### 4.3.0 Added: Support linkText, linkTitle options in files attributes (#550) Fixed: Wrong Model class in TableModule loads wrong activeRecord (#549) Fixed: Missing field values in news reader when using a custom attribute template and when element has been rendered twice (#551) Update: Minor updates on namespaces ### 4.2.7 Fixed: Check if the customelement is really enabled for being a contentelement or module in tl_content or tl_module (#545) Fixed: Wrong variable name "strGenericAttribute" in Vault class Update: Set the attr_id of genericAttributes when resaving a widget (#544) Removed: Deprecated the xlabel callback in list attributes (#547) ### 4.2.6 Update: Support Contaos (>= 4.9.3) "no blank option" philosophy in customTpl field and the limitation to the element type (#542) Update: Improved the versioning logic to ease out the session load (#539) Removed: System maintenance jobs (#540) ### 4.2.5 Fixed: An issue with the contao version having old wizard data (#537) Update: Remove BackendUser, FrontendUser instantiation from config.php. It might cause trouble with other extensions (#536) ### 4.2.4 Fixed: Wrong default content element selected by default. SQL definition of tl_content.type should be an array under Contao 4.9 (#534) ### 4.2.3 Update: config.php: Check if news, calendar modules are active (#532) ### 4.2.2 Fixed: Image attribute: Check imageUrl field for overwriting meta information (#530) ### 4.2.1 Fixed: Textarea: getTemplateGroup error in backend on tinymce template selection field (#526) Update: Remove block templates (contentelementsets) from being TL_WRAPPERS (#528) ### 4.2.0 Update: Call the parseWidgetCallback, renderCallback via call_user_func_array (#524) Update: Contao 4.9 LTS compatibility Update: Rebuild on strict Contao namespace classes (#523) Update: Check if ContaoToken class still exists in the Contao environment Update: Gallery attribute: Use varchar field type instead of smallint in optional gallery fields because we had some issues under Contao 4.9 with smallint ### 4.1.2 Fixed: Optional fields did not find their value correctly in CustomElement attribute (#518,#519) Fixed: Removed debugger call Update: Create a new token under Contao 4.4 in ajax requests from file pickers (#519) Update: Minor code updates Update: Widget: Store uuids unique Update: Rename "Inhaltselement-Set" to "Block-Vorlagen" (#521) ### 4.1.1 Fixed: Multiple CEs had an issue loading the correct DCA information under Contao 4.4 (#515) Update: Minor coding updates ### 4.1.0 New: Attribute: Gallery is now core attribute (#506) Fixed: Missing child/optional fields in multi-edit modes (#510) Fixed: Minor php fix in core classes Fixed: Attribute hyperlink: Show picker icon only when pagepicker is selected as option (#512) Update: Added new paste icon for paste-on-position mode (#509) Update: Added new svg icons for Contao 4 (#509) Update: Compatibility update for next Contao LTS (#511) Update: More efficient use of models in DcaHelper class Update: Improved the select all (multi-edit modes) list view (#513) ### 4.0.2 Fixed: Colorpicker: Wrong path to assets folder under Contao 4.4 (#505) Fixed: PHP error "field is not set or not a callable" in image attribute when custom template is set for the contao content element (#507) ### 4.0.1 Fixed: Missing duplicated groups in existing widgets (#502) Fixed: Colorpicker had no value in frontend (#503) ### 4.0.0 New: Attribute: Colorpicker (#494) New: Select if CE is a wrapper element, tl_pct_customelement.isWrapper (#495,#500) Fixed: Reordering groups had no effect on existing elements (#499) Fixed: Missing title attribute in images under Contao 4 Fixed: A programming error in CustomElement::hasAccess Update: Change tl_pct_customelement_vault.data_blob to longblob (#491) Update: Image title field had wrong label. Use tl_content.imageTitle DCA as reference under Contao 4 (#498) Removed: tl_pct_customelement.template_mod, .template_ce (deprecated since CE 1.2) (#496) ### 3.3.1 Fixed: Due to an internal caching error CustomElement widgets appeared to be uneditable after duplicating a large amount of pages (#489) ### 3.3.0 Update: Support ContentElement sets in News and Events (and dynamic ptables defined by tl_content DCA in general) (#487) ### 3.2.15 Fixed: Losing data oncopy for elements in child pages (#485) ### 3.2.14 Fixed: Image selections did not find new image in duplicated groups under Contao 4 (400 Bad request from Ajax) (#483) ### 3.2.13 Fixed: Image attribute: Respect meta data from file management under Contao 4 (#481) ### 3.2.12 Fixed: Avoid multiple manual sorting fields in latest Contao versions (#475) Fixed: Load assets via initializeSystem hook to have fontawesome loaded correctly Update: Add request token to operation buttons Update: Use regular SQL request as fallback for Contao Models ### 3.2.11 Fixed: Clear widget when restoring a version returns empty widget data (#473) Update: Added .widget css class to backend description fields ### 3.2.10 Update: Do not authenticate user in config.php ### 3.2.9 Fixed: tinymce.html5 locate tinymce.css without TL_PATH as base (#466) Fixed: Resolved references to pct_themer module in content element set export (#468) Fixed: Controller::isModified should not test on array values Fixed: Include module CEs did not show their name in wildcard anymore Fixed: Remove loadCustomElementField session only on real form submit (#470) Update: PHP 7.2 strictness update (#467) Update: Evaluate scripts on ajax request (just like Contaos ajax requests) ### 3.2.8 Fixed: In some systems the individual order did not work in combination with CustomCatalog (#455) Fixed: Duplicate field tl_pct_customelement_attribute.be_visible in backend palette for attribute table Fixed: In some cases the attribute in the front end template has not been fetched correctly by its uuids due to duplicate uuids for identical attribute types in the system (#240) Fixed: Lost track of copy data due to changes in the Contao session under Contao 4.4 (#463) Fixed: Files attribute: Render the wildcard as readable files url list or downloadable link list (#459) Update: Language files Update: Put constants in quotations for php 7.2 ### 3.2.7 Update: Remove var_dump call in DcaHelper.php ### 3.2.6 Fixed: Popup switches did not load DCA correctly in duplicated groups (#452) Update: Show CustomElement title in include module wildcards (#451) Update: Controller::isModfied check for array values ### 3.2.5 Fixed: Contao4: Missing wizards in optional fields (#448) Fixed: Contao4: Image attribute: Optional links did not process (#447) Update: Added class "clr" to wrapper div in be_widget_customelement.html5 Update: Added "includeBlankOption" for default image size in image attribute settings ### 3.2.4 Fixed: Missing alt and title tag in method picture() (#445) ### 3.2.3 Update: Language files (#640) Update: Minor changes in Contao 4 backend styling ### 3.2.2 Fixed: PHP validation error in headline attributes in multiedit mode ### 3.2.1 Fixed: Do not validate attributes that has been parsed by their own parseWidgetCallback method Update: Minimize the session load ### 3.2.0 Fixed: Missing version number in Contao 4 backend Fixed: Permission related fields must be blob (#436) Fixed: Added tl_class clr for tl_user,tl_user_group to avoid overlapping fields in Contao 4. Fixed: Do not set Post variable for validator in editAll, overrideAll mode automatically (#437) Removed: tl_user...,tl_user_group.protect_pct_customelement_plugins (#436) Removed: tl_user...,tl_user_group.pct_customelement_plugins (#436) Removed: tl_user...,tl_user_group.pct_customelement_pluginsp (#436) Added: BackendIntegration::injectVersionnumberInBackendPage for parseTemplate Hook Changed: BackendIntegration::injectJavascriptInBackendPage for parseTemplate Hook Removed: be_main template from extension folder ### 3.1.1 Fixed: Datepicker did not open in Contao 4 Fixed: PHP error in multi edit mode in Contao 4. CE fields did not load correctly due to new Contao session (#433) Update: Support file pickers in child attributes Remove: Permissions on $GLOBALS['TL_PERMISSIONS'][] = 'protect_pct_customelement_plugins' ### 3.1.0 Fixed: TinyMCE did not append formats (#430) Update: Fontaweseome 4.7 ### 3.0.2 Fixed: Observing Contaos clipboard session failed under Contao 4.4 because Contao uses different Session instances (#427) Update: Attribute Image: Add the tl_class .wizard to link picker child attribute Update: Attribute Table: Show all backend options in attribute settings (in regard of CC) ### 3.0.1 Fixed: Overlapping elements duo to w50 floating class ### 3.0.0 New: Content-element-sets (#403) New: Attribute: OptionWizard (#411) New: Inserttag: {{customelement::SOURCE::PID::ATTRIBUTE#COUNTER::(GENERICATTRIBUTE-ID)}} (#413) Update: Respect published settings in groups (#412) Update: Contao 4.4 ready (#414) Removed: Deprecated templates ce_customelement, mod_customelement, customelement_layout_simple, customelement_layout_grouped ### 2.2.13 Fixed: Support multiple CustomElements in CustomCatalogs or in any other table (#410) Fixed: Wrong class name: VaultModel Added: VaultModel::findByPidAndSource ### 2.2.12 Fixed: Missing argument 2 and 3 in Files attribute renderCallback() (#402) Fixed: Do not convert binary data before the validator (#405) Update: Load DCA fields in generic attributes. Changes made due to CustomElements attribute in CustomCatalog (#405) Update: Added translated operation button labels in widget (#401) ### 2.2.11 Fixed: Check if $arrOptions is really an array in Attribute->loadOptionValue() to prevent empty string coming from \deserialize after CE template imports ### 2.2.10 Update: Check if $arrSize is really an array in TemplateAttribute->generate() ### 2.2.9 Update: Transifex language files ### 2.2.8 (based on 2.2.5) Fixed: Wrong version number Fixed: Optional fields lose data on moving groups in the customelement widget (#394) Update: Added 'tl_calendar','tl_calendar_events','tl_revolutionslider_slides','tl_revolutionslider' because it seems that contao does not fire oncopy for child tables anymore (#393) ### 2.2.7 Fixed: Correct the $_POST data changes of 2.2.6 and pass data to validator correctly (#390) Update: Timestamp Attribute: Use system date format as default date format (#389) ### 2.2.6 Fixed: Wrong version number Update: Store the number of the copy in the attribute object: $objAttribute->numCopy Update: Attribute Text: Allow minlength, maxlength setting Update: Check for $_POST data before calling the widget validation ### 2.2.5 Fixed: Prevent Contao from overriding back end related constants in front end ### 2.2.4 Fixed: Language translation files not loaded correctly in back end due to caching Fixed: Attribute headline: Do not validate on ajax requests ### 2.2.3 Fixed: Load language php files with require_once to allow overriding (#382) Update: Maintenance Wizard updater: Locate attribute by uuid not id, update duplicated groups ### 2.2.2 Fixed: A SQL missing field error in page/file picker popups in table tl_module (#380) ### 2.2.1 Fixed: Bring fallback to CE data from versions lower than 1.4 (coming from installation templates from pct themes) ### 2.2.0 Fixed: Generate new attribute unique ids (uuid) when a CE has been copied (#372) Added: The template method html() now allows a custom template as string parameter e.g. $this->field(’myField’)->html(’myCustomTpl“) (#373) Update: Added more css classes to the group information in the templates and updated the customelement_grouped template with cssID output (#374) ### 2.1.2 Fixed: Overlapping div from .chosen select css class blocks mouse interaction ### 2.1.1 Fixed: Remove .customelement_widget {overflow: hidden} to avoid problems with chosen selects (#367) Fixed: Added missing wizard class for imageUrl field in Image Attributes (#368) ### 2.1.0 Fixed: Older or existing CE data that has not been saved again might not be visible in front end due to revised group ids Update: Use caching more effective in GroupFactory Update: Use static constructor instead of self in instance classes Update: Removed the group slide script and updated CEs backend widget template and tl_customelement_group list view templates Update: CSS Styling of the widget ### 2.0.2 Fixed: Do not validate widgets on ajax requests (#354) Fixed: Wrong indexing of duplicated groups (#358) ### 2.0.1 Update: PHP 5.4 fallback support (#352) ### 2.0.0 Requirements: >= Contao 3.5 New: Support versioning (#336) Fixed: Clone objects before return from cache Fixed: Convert binary data to uuids before validating the widget (#346) Added: \PCT\CustomElements\Models\AttributeModel Added: \PCT\CustomElements\Models\CustomElementModel Added: \PCT\CustomElements\Models\GroupModel Added: \PCT\CustomElements\Models\PluginModel Added: \PCT\CustomElements\Models\VaultModel Added: \PCT\CustomElements\Interfaces\Attribute (#337) Added: onFactoryCreate Hook: $GLOBALS['CUSTOMELEMENTS_HOOKS']['onFactoryCreate']($objElement,$objModel) trigged when a Factory creates an element Update: Do not generate the widget html output in popups Update: Use Models to fetch the active records instead of a new database query Update: Show tl_content wildcard for modules elements (#334) Update: QueryBuilder class is now more object orientated and not class orientated (static) and must be instantiated e.g. QueryBuilder::getInstance()->count($arrOptions); Update: Remove the $strTable Parameter in Hooks::getInstance() Update: Files attribute: Remove the parseWidgetCallback method Update: IncludeElement attr.: Enable chosen select Update: FontAwesome 4.6.3 Update: Order CEs by title in Contaos content element / module selection (#348) Change: \PCT\CustomElements\Core\AttributeFactory::fetchMultipleById(...) now returns \Model\Collection Change: \PCT\CustomElements\Core\CustomElementFactory->setOrigin( $objOrigin ) now expects a Origin object Change: Creating a new group object with data array will not generate all attributes anymore by __construct(). Use $objGroup->setAttributes() before Change: \PCT\CustomElements\Core\Group::getAttributes will not generate the attributes by default anymore. Use $objGroup->setAttributes() before Change: \PCT\CustomElements\Core\Attribute now implements \PCT\CustomElements\Interfaces\Attribute (#337) Change: \PCT\CustomElements\Core\Attribute not extends \PCT\CustomElements\Core\AttributeFactory anymore Change: \PCT\CustomElements\Core\Group not extends \PCT\CustomElements\Core\GroupFactory anymore Change: \PCT\CustomElements\Core\CustomElement not extends \PCT\CustomElements\Core\CustomElementFactory Change: \PCT\CustomElements\Core\Origin will not extend \Controller anymore Remove: (deprecated or never used) \PCT\CustomElements\Core\PluginFactory::hasAccessToTable(...) without fallback Remove: (deprecated or never used) \PCT\CustomElements\Core\CustomElementFactory::fetchByAttributeId(...) without fallback Remove: (deprecated or never used) \PCT\CustomElements\Core\CustomElementFactory::hasChanged(...) without fallback Remove: (deprecated or never used) \PCT\CustomElements\Core\CustomElementFactory::byWizard(...) without fallback Remove: (deprecated or never used) \PCT\CustomElements\Core\AttributeFactory::fetchMultiplePublishedById(...) without fallback Remove: (deprecated or never used) \PCT\CustomElements\Core\AttributeFactory::deleteCopy(...) without fallback Remove: (deprecated or never used) \PCT\CustomElements\Core\AttributeFactory::addCopy(...) without fallback Remove: (deprecated or never used) \PCT\CustomElements\Core\AttributeFactory::countCopies(...) without fallback Remove: (deprecated or never used) \PCT\CustomElements\Core\AttributeFactory::getAttributeIdByUuid(...) without fallback Remove: (deprecated or never used) \PCT\CustomElements\Core\AttributeFactory::findPublishedByUuid(...) without fallback Remove: (deprecated or never used) \PCT\CustomElements\Core\GroupFactory::rawById(...) without fallback use GroupFactory::findById($intId) Remove: (deprecated or never used) \PCT\CustomElements\Core\GroupFactory::generate(...) without fallback Remove: (deprecated or never used) \PCT\CustomElements\Core\GroupFactory::findPublishedByAliasAndCustomElement(...) without fallback Remove: \PCT\CustomElements\Core\CustomElement->getPublishedAttributeByAlias($strAlias) without fallback: use \PCT\CustomElements\Core\AttributeFactory::findByAliasAndCustomElement($strAlias,$intCE) Remove: \PCT\CustomElements\Core\Group->getAttributeByAlias($strAlias) without fallback: use \PCT\CustomElements\Core\AttributeFactory::findByAliasAndPid($strAlias,$intPid) ### 1.7.8 Fixed: Wildcard values won't be procssed correctly when internal cache is active. This has direct influence on customcatalog wildcards as well (#331) Fixed: Added array_filter to avoid empty single length arrays in Files Attribute (#342) Added: A version_compare as fallback to Contao 3.2 in autoload.php to find the default be_main Template via \TemplateLoader::getPath('be_main','html5') Added: eval_tl_class_m12 option for attributes: Files Update: Use Contao models if active records in DataContainer objects are missing Update: Use wizard data for check if an attribute exists in a CE widget record Update: Do not read array directly after explode method. It might cause trouble in some server settings. (#343) ### 1.7.7 Fixed: Losing data of cloned attributes when checking the integrity of the CE widget (#325) Fixed: Load tl_content DataContainer in List, Table, Url Attributes to gain access to the tl_content class (#324) Fixed: Do not convert binary data when looking up data from the vault (#327) Added: Added optional fields in editAll, overrideAll mode (#321) Update: IncludeElement attribute: Do not run tl_content related methods in Contaos Installation tool Update: Check if a data container is loaded by checking the [config] key (#323) ### 1.7.6 Fixed: Palette selector must remain dynamic to inject the custom element widget ### 1.7.5 Fixed: Updated the query string in CustomElementFactory::findByAttributeId, fetchByAttributeId Added: Support importing new CE templates without losing data Update: Removed the tl_pct_customelement.ondelete_callback::removeFromVault Update: Always store values in widget data Update: Load field DCA information in popup with switch Update: Update the wizard data on the fly when catching an old value that is supposed to be a binary value Update: Use the DataContainerHelper class instead of the strict DC_Table class when working with data containers Update: Moved the hasAccess() checks from the factory class to the object classes Update: General minor updates ### 1.7.4 Fixed: Image attributes do not show preview image in backend or Contaos "update database" hint in the front end due to cached wizard values (#308) ### 1.7.3 Fixed: Store custom orders correctly Added: Maintenance: Remove all attribute related data from the vault Added: Cache limit for wizard data (#304) Update: Do not \deserialize the wizard data when adding to the cache. (#304) Update: Fetch the attribute values directly from the wizard data Update: Include Element: Load tl_content DCA only if not loaded before ### 1.7.2 Added: Support tl_news, tl_news_archive Update: DcaHelper::loadFields return if DCA is unknown or not loaded correctly Update: Support multiple selects ### 1.7.1 Added: Hide the groups and field count next to the CustomElement title in list via tl_settings.pct_customelements_hideGroupAndFieldCount Added: English tl_settings language file Added: More english translations for attributes Update: Remove loadDataContainer call in Table,List Attributes::getFieldDefinition method (might cause a DataContainer loading error) Update: Table attribute: check if value is empty before rendering Update: Add new CustomElements to cache when they were created by the factory Update: Add plugin excludes to cache (#297) ### 1.7.0 Fixed: Load data container error triggered in IncludeElement attribute (#289) Fixed: Load field DCA only if call comes from a valid CE field (#290) Update: Call the storeValueHook when storing values in the widget data (#288) Update: PHP7 ready Update: Use the backend template (be_main) instead of DOMDocument to write the version number ### 1.6.6 Fixed: A backend user rights issue when using popup fields in tables outside the default customelement tables Added: Timestamp Attribute: processWildcardValue Hook (#285) Added: Check if table and field exists in import chain. (#286) Update: Support the data-state attribute in toggle visibility fields Update: Fontaweseome to 4.5.0 Update: "customelement_attr_default" is now default value for tl_pct_customelement_attribute.template ### 1.6.5 Fixed: Do not rewrite the table GET parameter in filetree attributes Fixed: Do not save the wizard data in the customelement object Added: Caching for wizard data Update: Filter values in Files attribute renderCallback ### 1.6.4 Fixed: Load the DataContainer object in editAll,overrideAll mode Fixed: A php error when no CustomElements are selected in user rights Update: Check if table tl_pct_customelements exists in SystemIntegration Update: The IncludeElement renderCallback method recreates an unnecessary front end template object Update: Do not overwrite the field labels for contao default fields in editAll,overrideAll mode Update: Store option fields in wizard data Update: Update the WizardUpdater to store the optional field values ### 1.6.3 Fixed: Use a regular string replacing if DOMDocument fails to inject the sortable feature for attributes Update: Trigger the load_callback for attributes ### 1.6.2 Fixed: An issue in the save_callback when toggling the visibility of a group or an attribute ### 1.6.1 Fixed: An issue with missing attributes in attribute lists (#271) Update: Do not add object to the cache on the fly in Factory::find/fetch methods ### 1.6.0 Added: Performance kit: Caching and minimizing sql queries ### 1.5.3 Fixed: An issue when loading popup windows in tl_module (#269) Fixed: Do not reset the global language when looking for translations Update: Load generic fields in data container more precisely ### 1.5.2 Fixed: Recognize Table attribute head and foot setting Fixed: Find attribute value translations in the front end with underscore Update: Set eval[decodeEntities=true] for Text attributes Update: Performance update: Minimize the queries in loadDataContainer hook (#266) ### 1.5.1 Fixed: An issue when editing multiple entries outside of CE Fixed: Create a new DataContainer object only when CustomElements needs it ### 1.5.0 Fixed: Avoid unwanted permission checks in from tl_content/tl_module (#261) Fixed: Load duplicated / cloned attributes correctly Fixed: Do not set the selection field to "type" for a known table Fixed: Set selection field in the CE-Widget by default attributes correctly Added: TemplateAttribute->generate() generates an image and returns path to the file as string (#260) Update: Remove [switchToEdit] in tl_pct_customelement_attribute DCA Update: Font-Awesome to 4.4.0 Update: Set tl_content.type, tl_content.module to varchar(128) to allow longer content element / module alias Update: Load generic fields to the DCA on any ajax request Update: Make CE less strict (#192) ### 1.4.5 Added: Support translations for groups/palettes (#257) Update: New translations structure. (#257) ### 1.4.4 Fixed: Wrong user permissions due to wrong dataContainer loading in contao default dca popup fields Fixed: Pass the correct template data to the deprecated layout template ### 1.4.3 Fixed: Correct reference to original id for backend wildcard in multiple included elements (#251) Update: Avoid breaking the initialize chain: Change the order in config.php to load user objects before any database objects ### 1.4.2 Fixed: The active record object should not contain the customTpl value to avoid overriding the default template for contao elements (#249) Added: TemplateAttribute->picture() to use like $this->field('myImage')->picture('picture_default'); (#248) ### 1.4.1 Update: Support Contao image sizes in tl_pct_customelement_attribute.size Update: Do not check if Export plugin runs in config.php. Avoids a php error (blank page) in the install tool ### 1.4.0 Fixed: Handle contaos default fields in editAll and overrideAll mode correctly in combination with CE fields (#244) Added: Export plugin in core Update: Import is based on templates now Update: Show the blank Option checkbox for IncludeElement Attributes ### 1.3.4 Fixed: number_format field must be \deserialized in Number attribute Fixed: Display values in wildcard for include elements (#235) Fixed: Bypass the contao methods in the Include Element Attribute if include item is null or 0 to avoid a foreach error in tl_content class Update: $GLOBALS['PCT_CUSTOMELEMENTS']['fieldnamesSharedWithContao'] to avoid unwanted overwrites with contao fields Update: Show tl_pct_customelement_attribute.eval_tl_class_m12 in Checkbox attributes ### 1.3.3 Fixed: Duplicating a root page including its child pages causes php error (#229) Fixed: Double check if an entry already exists in the vault before setting the default value (#230) Update: Store the processed field uuids only when the widget is being processed ### 1.3.2 Fixed: Check return value of processWildcardValue hook before overwriting current value (#227) Fixed: Register the initializeSystem Hook for loading assets not for the install tool ### 1.3.1 Fixed: Return the attribute value if it has beed marked as modified Added: Optional rgxp for url Attributes Update: Remove the hardcoded rgxp for url Attributes ### 1.3.0 Fixed: Do not return the value modified from outside for option values (#210) Fixed: Contao standard fields do not show up in editAll mode (#212) Fixed: Attribute Image: use default image size when size option field is empty Fixed: Reordering groups had no effect on the widget (#215) Fixed: New attributes in duplicated groups had same field name as parent attribute (#219) Added: The default contao headline field in tl_content and tl_module Added: Support the customTpl field in contao 3.4 Added: CustomElementFactory::fetch, fetchById(), fetchByAlias() Added: Translate labels and descriptions via langconfig or dcaconfig (#213) Added: [loadValue] Hook Added: Support for translated option values (#218) Update: Removed the separation between ce_ and mod_ templates to use a global layout template (#204) Update: Allow custom templates in CustomElement::render($objTemplate) method Update: Generate the alias with underscores (#211) Update: Attribute Headline: Check if field has a readable value Update: Improved the DCA handling, CE should be loaded on first position always Removed: Default headline field (#217) ### 1.2.9 Fixed: Php foreach error when a just created CE-widget contains a group with no attributes or no attributes published (#202) Fixed: Authenticate the current user in the config.php before initializing Fixed: Support Included CustomElements via ContentAlias ContentElement (#204) Fixed: Wrong option for the lightbox attribute in Attribute Url Added: prepareRendering Hook as an alternative way to render any attribute Added: Supscript text in attribute listview with information about the contao class (w50 clr long) (#205) Added: fetchByAlias() in AttributeFactory class Added: Create an origin object for the backend wildcard callback Added: ImportChain Hook to add tables to the general import array Update: Changed the input type for tl_pct_customelement_attribute.option to checkboxWizard Update: Improved the modified handling in Attributes class (#203) Update: Added the element ID and table to the processWildcard Hook Update: tl_pct_customelement_attribute.template has now chosen=true Update: Handle generic wizards and make the widget more accessible Update: Use the loadOptionValues method in Attribute Url Update: Use the placeholer ###CUSTOMELEMENT_WIDGET### in the palette string to inject the widget at any position Update: Validate timestamp attributes Update: Attribute templates now use the Core\FrontendTemplate class Update: Provide more helpful template functions for the attribute templates Update: Removed the error logs in AttributeFactory ### 1.2.8 Fixed: New value from processWildcardValue HOOK kept unrecognized (#200) ### 1.2.7 Fixed: [options] field in AttributeTimestamp must be \deserialized Fixed: Solved an issue when calling the PluginsLoader via the initializeSystem hook Fixed: TinyMCE did not load custom formats under Contao 3.4 (#194) Fixed: Avoid wrong palette builds by just appending the default palette Added: tl_templates, tl_theme, tl_style_sheet ,tl_layout, tl_image_size to restricted tables Added: Backend descriptions for attributes (#196) Added: More function in DcaHelper to handle palettes Added: Display a backend hint if plugin requires a higher/differenz CustomElements Version Added: AttributeFactory::fetchMultipleById, fetchMultiplePublishedById Added: Full support for customelements in revolutionsliders: create copies in vault and so on... Added: Select in systemsettings to load font-awesome from local space or cdn (#197) Added: DcaHelper->removePalette([string]), DcaHelper->removePalettes([array]) Added: Origin::getTable() Update: Natural order for attribute type list Update: Empty values will not be processed in the wildcard Update: Load fontawesome via CDN (#197) Update: New language arrays for the attribute labels (#198) Update: Support the tinyMCE in Contao 3.3 Update: DcaHelper generatePalettes does not need an array anymore ### 1.2.6 Fixed: Load value again from vault if image value is not a valid binary type (#190) Fixed: processWildcardHook triggers an php error when value is empty (#182) Fixed: getImage in AttributeImage::processWildcardValue expects a valid path string Fixed: Load and save correct values in editAll mode Added: Models classes for contao 3.4 (#180) Update: Pass origin object to the attribute being rendered Update: Load the dca in popups only for the field requested by the user when field name is given Update: Convert binary data to uuids in values() method in TemplateAttribute class ### 1.2.5 Fixed: Fields rendered to often in editAll mode (#177) Fixed: Fallback for image attribute values, using the old contao 2 SRC Format (#178) Fixed: Creating copies in tl_calendar_events (#179) Update: Contao 3.4 compatibility updates ### 1.2.4 Fixed: Return the base attribute in template when calling an alias with a zero counter e.g. $this->field('fax#0') returns $this->field('fax') (#172) Fixed: Generate a new uuid for new attributes in duplicated groups to make them unique (#171) Fixed: Handle copies from root pages (#174) Added: setOptionValues method for Attributes to allow manipulations on the generic options fields from outside ### 1.2.3 Fix: Rendering images in backend wildcard (#165) Added: editAll and overrideAll mode for CustomElement fields (#167) Added: $GLOBALS['PCT_CUSTOMELEMENTS']['saveValuesInWizard'] (true/false) to toggle whether to store the attribute values in the wizard data or not Added: Maintenance section and update job Added: WizardUpdater job to update wizard datas to latest structure Added: AttributeUpdater job to update / convert vault data from one vault column to the default or a custom data column Update: FE Performance Kit #3, minimize sql queries (#162) Update: Remove arrFieldDef parameter from renderAttribute Callbacks Update: Values and arrData values will not be pre-\deserialized (#166) ### 1.2.2 Fixed: Merge with existing DCA arrays in addFields method, check if dca array has been created Fixed: Store lists (AttributeList) as blob (#161) Added: Minlength, maxlength evaluation (#155) Added: Handle load_ and save_callbacks for attributes (#156) Added: AttributeNumber for numeric values (#157) Update: Font-Awesome 4.2 Update: Remove __construct method in attributes that do not overwrite default settings (#158) Update: More performance and general updates ### 1.2.1 Fixed: Wrong variable name in DcaHelper->addSubpalette() and create selector array if it does not exist Fixed: Load options values correctly in AttributeUrl Fixed: Missing values in duplicated attributes (#153) Added: addFields(), addField() method in DcaHelper class ### 1.2.0 Fixed: AttributeFactory::findMultipleByCustomElement returns array of attribute objects Added: TemplateAttribute class for more convenient and oop-based template structure (#137) Added: Handle options from attributes: added ::optionvalue, ::option method to retrieve option values from attributes (#139) Added: Updater Helper class for managing all methods related to updating CE data (#147) Added: PluginsLoader class Update: Do not create an attribute object in the vault for fetching data. Use the options array instead (#138) Update: storeValueHook: Pass the attribute id to the hook and generate the attribute only when accessing the hook Update: Updated customelement_layout_xxx templates to object structure Update: Store the customelement version with the wizard/widget data Update: Store processed values in TemplateAttribute class for futher use (#140) Update: More performance updates and bug fixes Update: Write log only when displaying errors is enabled (#144) Update: Use initializeSystem Hook for loading attributes and plugins instead of loading from the config.php file (#148) Update: Load dca files in ::loadAll method when tables has been asigned to the attribute or plugin (#149) ### Fixed: GroupFactory::byWizard method moved to CustomElementFactory class Update: Handle LIKE queries and percentage values in query strings with sprintf (#132) ### 1.1.10 Fixed: Fatal error when deleting files from tl_files (#127) Fixed: Avoid parseBackendTemplate Hook in contao installation Added: Store processed CustomElements in a cache array Added: Debug mode and processing time measurement and inserttags for the output Update: Reuse once created CE objects in ContentCustomElement, ModuleCustomElement class Update: Do not generate the attribute template before the renderCallback (might lead to double generation) Update: Attribute::renderCallback is an alternative to the normal template->parse() Update: Removed the strBuffer parameter from the renderCallback Update: Build the associated field array without a new foreach loop (#126) Update: Remove firephp call in CustomElements.php Update: Increase internal counter on custom where clauses in QueryBuilder Update: Add missing optional query options array to functions in AttributeFactory ### Fixed: Do not call parseBackendTemplate when running the install tool (#123) Update: Use require instead of require_once in AttributeLoader class (#122) ### 1.1.9 Added: English language files (#116) Added: 'loadCustomElementFields' ajax/post flag to force CE to load the fields in the current DCA (#114) Added: General toggle visibility method for any table (#112) Update: Merge field definition array with attributes from dca array (#113) Update: Build DCA from arrays (#96) Update: Use ajax to toggle the visibilty of attributes in group view (#112) Update: Reverse #113: Do not merge attributes field def. array (#120) ### 1.1.8 Update: Move import files to cto_layout/ce_templates (#108) Update: Natural sorting by title for import options (#110) ### Fixed: Toggle groups correctly when session is empty ### 1.1.7 Fixed: Filter empty values from query parts before building the where clause in QueryBuilder Fixed: Wrong variable name in QueryBuilder (#90) Fixed: Use CE title as fallback in list view (#93) (hotfix) Fixed: The groups closed by default option didn't work (#103) Fixed: Added parent id (pid) parameter for locating attributes in vault. fixes unwanted removals from source element (#104) Added: Default value for text attributes (#81) Added: Support FIND_IN_SET operations in QueryBuilder () Added: Font-Awesome library GPL (http://fortawesome.github.io/Font-Awesome/license/) Added: Backend-Icon support (#70) Added: Plugins can be excluded from customelements (#92) Added: Versionnumber in list view (#94) Added: Contao ajax loading box (#99) Update: Remove the doNotCopy flag to keep the published setting for groups and attributes on copy (#79) Update: Create pseudo activeRecord object via boolean parameter in Attribute::getActiveRecord(true) (#83) Update: Allow to chose the include element in CE not just in the attribute settings (#82) Update: Do not process empty values in sql statements (#87) Update: Allow custom where conditions and empty value query arrays in QueryBuilder (#88) Update: Combine sql query arrays correctly in QueryBuilder::combine ### Update: Return on empty attribute.id values (#84) ### Fixed: Do not fetch sorting column in tl_module ### 1.1.6 Fixed: Duplicating groups without saving might cause wrong group indexes and uplicate attribute uuids (#62) Fixed: Duplicating/copying elements with CEs now use unique keys for the clipboard array (#64) Fixed: Save field values only when contao backend form has been submitted (#74) Added: Full support for News module (#64) Added: Full support for Calendar module (#66) Added: New Class Callbacks (contains all custom methods called by hooks) Added: New hooks: createCopyInVault, observeClipboard, removeFromVault (see Core\Hooks.php) Added: Handle sortable field types e.g. the Files attribute (#54) Added: Migration from old wizard data to new wizard data when old data has been found Update: Groups now have a unique identifyer in the widget to avoid interferences between existing groups and groups just created Update: Attributes clones (uuids of the generic copies) now stored in the widget data in the database Update: Improved approach and performance enhancements when dublicating elements (#64) Update: New widget template with data-id, data-count, data-copy information for each group Update: CustomElements.js supports new data-XXX structure in groups Update: Write Copy number next group title in widget (#67) Update: Associated arrays now use the fix copy number as the alias index (#75) Update: Associated arrays back to indexes based on sorting (#76) ### Version 1.1.5 Fixed: Validating mandatory fields did not show error in backend (#32) Fixed: Load tl_content clas via loadDataContainer in AttributeInclude\TableCustomElementAttribte (#40) Fixed: Duplicating articles without admin rights resolves in an error message (#43) Fixed: Rendercallback bypasses attribute templates. (#50) Fixed: Default size in AttributeImage has been ignored when at least one option value was set (#51) Fixed: Correct dca handling for shared fields like (tl_pct_customelement_attribute.options) Fixed: Wildcard rendering for AttributeTable Added: Rgxp for attribute [text] (#31) Added: AttributeTimestamp Added: AttributeTable Added: AllowHtml Option for attributes (text,headline) (#41) Update: Forcing to load the dca fields only in popup or for filetree widgets (#35) Update: Create a registry array with field definitions when generating each Attribute (widget) (#35) Update: Pass more variables to _attr template (#49) Update: DatePicker compatibility for Contao 3.3 (#52) Update: AttributeList (#46) Update: processWildcardValue Hook (#57) Update: Minor bug fixes ### Version 1.1.4 (2014-05-23) Fixed: A javascript issue with the TinyMCE 4 in Contao 3.3 ### Version 1.1.3 (2014-05-13) Fixed: Wrong class name in AttributeInclude/dca/tl_pct_customelement_attribute Added: Support for new TinyMCE4 in Contao 3.3 Update: General bug fixes and enhancements ### Version 1.1.2 (2014-04-26) Update: More flexible code structure in QueryBuilder class and added count method ### Version 1.1.1 (2014-04-24) Fixed: Added missing dca files in attribute folders ### Version 1.1 (2014-04-24) Update: Mayor update. CE is now ready for plugin CustomCatalog (CC) Update: Introduced QueryBuilder Class to manage database operations Update: All Factory Class use the QueryBuilder to do their database operations Update: More stability updates and fixes ### Version 1.0.1 (2014-04-24) Fixed: Using static methods to load language files in dca files (#16) Fixed: CE missing palettes or displaying wrong palettes when internal cache is active (#16) Fixed: Switching palettes to select might cause php error for inputType OptionWizard (#17) Fixed: AttributeIncluded missing in autoload.php Update: Added changelog.txt file Update: Minor changes