### 4.2.0 Update: Contao 4.9 LTS compatibility ### 4.1.1 Update: Revert changes in js_revoslider_default issue #164 (#169) ### 4.1.0 Update: js_revoslider_default: Initialize slider with mobile screen width on mobile devices (default: 767px) (#164) ### 4.0.0 Added: tl_content.useSVG and handle SVG images in RS Image element (#161) Fixed: Wrong variable name in PCT\RevolutionSlider\SlideFactory Update: Loading of resources have been moved to revoslider_default template (#156) Update: Load resources in ce_revolutionslider_video only when it is a standalone video content element Update: Set tl_revolutionslider.jsTemplate default "js_revoslider_default"; Update: tl_revolutionslider.overlay tl_class w50 (#158) Update: Compatibility update for next Contao LTS (#157) Update: tl_revolutionslider_slides.singleSRC is now mandatory Removed: config.php: $GLOBALS['REVOLUTIONSLIDER']['scripts'], $GLOBALS['REVOLUTIONSLIDER']['scripts'], $GLOBALS['REVOLUTIONSLIDER']['rs_plugin'], $GLOBALS['REVOLUTIONSLIDER']['rs_css'], $GLOBALS['REVOLUTIONSLIDER']['css'] Update: General code updates and improvements Removed: Support for Contao < 3.5 (#159) Removed: Runeonce.php ### 3.2.0 Update: ce_revolutionslider_video: HTML5 attribute "muted" will be added to