### 3.4.0 New: Mobile menu settings (#354) Added: Allow empty palettes to be labels (#351) Fixed: Wrong .trail class in menus due to manipulated frontend url in active page (#358) Fixed: Check if global LAYOUT_CSS_IS_ACTIVE is defined Update: "Selector"-feature is now fully operational (#352) Update: Support "accordion style 2" correctly (#355) Update: Support new "horizontal-timeline" (#356) ### 3.3.3 Update: Use Database class to determine a valid database connection to be compatibile to .env settings (#347) Update: Support scroll-padding settings (#349) ### 3.3.2 Fixed: Invalid value in objPage->pct_layout_css variable (#340) ### 3.3.1 Fixed: Missing "demo"-selection in language-fallback pages (#332) Fixed: Preview should not be bypassed when in LIVE-mode under Contao 4.9 (#336) ### 3.3.0 Added: Use desktop menu on tablets option (#330) Update: Removed the css values in the config array for each demo Update: Minor code updates ### 3.2.3 Fixed: Define footer col with css flex (#327) ### 3.2.2 Fixed: Wrong page layout selection in one page demos (#324) ### 3.2.1 Update: Bypass Contao forced preview mode under Contao 4.9 (#320) ### 3.2.0 Fixed: Use jquery .on method to bind "load" event (#315) Fixed: Dropzone.autoDiscover must be defined in global scope (#317) Fixed: Session->getData, setData does not exist anymore (#318) Update: Refractor classes to Contao namespace (#302) Update: Contao 4.9 LTS compatibility Update: Minor label updates ### 3.1.2 Fixed: Wrong CSS class for article overlay (#312) ### 3.1.1 Fixed: themedesigner: "header beside" does not disable other header variants (#310) ### 3.1.0 New: Stickyheader section (#308) Fixed: Tablemenu button was hidden by theme designer style (#307) ### 3.0.3 Update: tl_page: Theme settings palette is now white label (#303) ### 3.0.2 Update: Default Demo > Header v1 active by default (#296) Update: New internal info icon since EclipseX does not load fontaweseome anymore (#298) Update: "hide breadcrumb" setting (#300) Update: Minor description updates (#299) ### 3.0.1 Fixed: Missing CSS-file reference in page template. Introduced file logic: ID_TSTAMP.css (#293) ### 3.0.0 New: Devices and zoom togglers (#277) New: EclipseX architecture Added: EclipseX demos Update: Force iframe to reload on device toggling when page contains a RevolutionSlider (#290) ### 2.15.1 Fixed: If first page in root is not a regular page a php error occurred (#275) Fixed: Minor PHP7 changes Update: layout.css for intro page Update: Hook: Grand access to field definitions via $GLOBALS['PCT_THEMEDESIGNER_FIELDS'] array ### 2.15.0 Added: Demo "musteragentur" support ### 2.14.3 Fixed: Inject the google fonts link in head via jquery to avoid wrong parsing of the placeholder stylesheet link (#272) Removed: Deprected /templates/eclipse folder ### 2.14.2 Fixed: Restoring a version of a root page might cause a cain deletion of records that originally were part of the demo import data (#270) ### 2.14.1 Fixed: Wrong incoming PHP data when a demo layouts brings custom font information (#265) Update: Remove deprecated text/javascript tags from html5 templates (#266) Update: W3C: Use hash "#" sign as href placeholder in webfonts_optin link (#268) ### 2.14.0 Added: Preview thumbnails for header variants (#261) Added: CSS-Ids in palettes (#260) ### 2.13.3 Update: Added CSS-Ids in palette wrappers (#260) ### 2.13.2 Fixed: Custom fonts did not load automatically (#258) ### 2.13.1 Fixed: PHP error "Illegal offset type in" in ThemeDesigner class ### 2.13.0 Added: Demo "book library" support ### 2.12.4 Update/Fixed: Replace insertags like {{request_token}} in widget templates because Contao 4.4.22 ran into timeouts for some reasons () Update: PHP 7.2 compatibility ### 2.12.3 Update: Removed box-shadow of iframe due to a Chrome rendering bug in latest Chrome versions Update: DSGVO: Fonts: Bypass optin when TD is not in live mode (development mode) to simplify the workflow of the development (#252) ### 2.12.2 Change: Webfonts via optin solution is now default Added: ThemeDesigner.getFonts() global javascript method Update: Listen to new "Eclipse.user_privacy" javascript event for applying webfonts Removed: Any PHP cookie listener for webfonts ### 2.12.1 Fixed: Removed debugger call in InsertTags class ### 2.12.0 Added: Contao cache save webfonts optin solution via javascript (#245) Added: Optin Inserttag {{user_privacy_settings}}. Returns the current privacy setting cookie value in php (#246) Fixed: Optin-test uses cookies instead of a session value now because the session has different time scopes than cookies and might cause wrong optin behaviors (#244) ### 2.11.0 Update: Connect fonts loading to Eclipse opt-in session and restrict any web fonts by default (#242) ### 2.10.1 Fixed: Demo layouts did not load their dynamic styles when no active version existed (#238) Fixed: Default fonts have not been applied when user did not select at least one font manually (#239) ### 2.10.0 Added: tl_settings.pct_themedesigner_nofonts to restrict the auto. loading of fonts (#236) ### 2.9.4 Fixed: Do not include javascript css logic when themedesigner is hidden (#233) Fixed: ThemeDesigner could not load when jQuery was set to "local" due to a loading chain error in the slimscroll script. ### 2.9.3 Fixed: In some cases the toggle mobile and toggle visibility feature had a session lack (#231) ### 2.9.2 Fixed: Online repository master lost track of correct dev branch ### 2.9.1 Fixed: Missing bracket in CSS for "Header Variant Left v1" (#227) Update: PHP 7.2 compatibility (#223) ### 2.9.0 Added: Eclipse v9 demos Fixed: Do not restrict links with hashes in general, but element must be a onepage backlink element (class="backlink") (#218) ### 2.8.8 Update: Put constants in quotations for php 7.2 ### 2.8.7 Update: Removed the tl_page.pct_theme_import field from palettes (#213) ### 2.8.6 Fixed: Exclusion changes made in 2.8.5 were too strict. Check restriction to root page only ### 2.8.5 Update: Support child pages in exclusions (#210) Update: Check if $GLOBALS['PCT_THEMEDESIGNER']['excludes'] has been created before the config.php to allow modifications in contao config files (#210) ### 2.8.4 Fixed: Restrict themedesigner reset listeners (#208) Fixed: Value conversions when activating a version in the back end might end in a php error ### 2.8.3 Fixed: Fixes an issue related to the setting: menuActiveStyle4 ### 2.8.2 Fixed: Rename image demo_corporate_plus.jpg to demo_corporateplus.jpg ### 2.8.1 Fixed: A very rare PHP error that might occur when saving uploaded images (#204) ### 2.8.0 Added: Eclipse v8 demos Update: New menu structure Update: Minor changes in Contao 4 backend styling ### 2.7.1 Update: Check in config.php if $GLOBALS['TL_CONFIG']['dbDatabase'] has been set before running Database queries in Hooks ### 2.7.0 Added: ThemeDesigner\Backend::injectIsActiveMessageInBackendPage to display the backend hints Removed: be_main template from extension folder Update: Check for $GLOBALS['TL_CONFIG']['licenseAccepted'] to make sure contao has a valid localconfig.php ### 2.6.1 Fixed: Initialize only when localconfig.php really exists Added: Missing thumbs for demos ### 2.6.0 Added: Eclipse 7.1 demos ### 2.5.0 Fixed: Wrong jquery syntax in js_themedesigner_iframe_helper.html5 Update: Contao 4.4 ready (#190) Added: Eclipse 7.0 demos ### 2.4.1 Fixed: Wrong spelling in demo thumbnail steelwork ### 2.4.0 Added: Eclipse 6.1 demos ### 2.3.0 Added: Eclipse v6 demos Update: Remove related CSS file when deleting a version in the backend (#185) ### 2.2.2 Fixed: Loading active version when not on root page and layout is not default. Effected loading fonts Update: Check if POST or GET variables exist using isset in assets/... themedesigner.php Update: Print version number next to module name in systemsettings (#183) ### 2.2.1 Fixed: Fonts not added when session is empty or data is empty (#181) Fixed: Endless iframe loop when Contao is set to use page id instead of page alias "disableAlias" (#180) ### 2.2.0 New: DemoInstaller (#167) ### 2.1.3 Fixed: PHP 7.1 does not store session correctly (#172) Fixed: Prevent infinit reload loop when loading an empty version (#170) Fixed: Contao install tool not accessible when contao has not been installed before (#175) Update: Auto-load last version only when ThemeDesigner is in edit mode (#171) ### 2.1.2 Update: If session is empty, load current active version (#165) ### 2.1.1 Fixed: Do not recreate existing $GLOBALS in the config.php (#163) Update: Set page title in fe_page_themedesigner template to "ThemeDesigner" Update: New loader graphic (#154) ### 2.1.0 Fixed: Toggle active versions in backend in relation to the theme (#159) Added: Append the version name to the CSS layout file name (#158) ### 2.0.2 Fixed: Switch dependencies break switch session when calling the toggleSwitches ajax request (#156) Fixed: A php strpos error when saving and value to check is an array ### 2.0.1 Fixed: Missing meta-viewport in fe_page_themedesigner.html5 Fixed: header8 - header20 not selectable Update: Minor changes on the presets and stylesheet.html5 template ### 2.0 Update: ThemeDesigner Pro integration ### 1.4 Fixed: Check if $GLOBALS['PCT_THEMER']['THEMES'] is an array in dca/tl_page ### 1.3 Fixed: Check if file exists in file system before adding it as new resource (#13) ### 1.2 Fixed: The "find only published" setting must check if parent page is published (#11) Fixed: Export files from CE wizards correctly (#7) ### 1.1 Update: Handle binary data in CE widgets and referenced to tl_files (#7) Update: Relink multiple page selection fields (#8) ### 1.0.0